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Can a TRICARE Supplement Meet Your Needs?

by Jessica Zeiser on May 2, 2018

When it comes to health insurance, one size does not fit all. Everyone’s situation is different. Finding the perfect health insurance fit may seem impossible, but it’s not. TRICARE comes in a wide range of plans, all configured for different needs. Even better, there’s a supplement available for almost all TRICARE plan types.

Watch this video to learn how TRICARE works.

Want to know more? Here are the answers to some common questions about TRICARE and TRICARE Supplements:

What is TRICARE?

TRICARE is the health benefit program for the military community. It works like traditional health insurance programs, but it’s sponsored by the U.S. government.

What is a TRICARE Supplement?

The TRICARE Supplement Plan wraps around TRICARE to cover the costs TRICARE leaves behind; for example, cost shares, copays, excess charges, as well as prescription copays. You must have TRICARE insurance to have the TRICARE Supplement.

What are the benefits of having a supplement plan?

There are a few major benefits. For example, policy holders like the out of pocket cost savings, the ability to go out of network without incurring additional costs, and reimbursement for pharmacy copays. TRICARE with a TRICARE Supplement plan also allows you to budget your medical expenses for the year. Your actual costs will be more predictable, even if you have a major medical event in the beginning of the year before your deductibles have been satisfied.

What are my TRICARE options?

For retired veterans who have served 20 years or more in the military, you can get health insurance through TRICARE Select (formerly called TRICARE Standard/Extra) or elect TRICARE Prime. For retired reservists who have served for 20 creditable years, you can enroll in the TRICARE Retired Reserves program. Qualified National Guard and Reservists can use the TRICARE Reserve Select plan. There are other TRICARE plans but these are the major plans that work with a TRICARE supplement.

If my children no longer live in my household, can they still be covered under the supplement?

Yes. Dependent children living outside of the home are still eligible for the supplement as long as they are covered under their parent’s TRICARE Plan.

I’m a spouse of an active duty military member, am I eligible for coverage?

Yes. Spouses and dependents of an active duty service member are eligible for the TRICARE Supplement Plan.

If you need help keeping unexpected medical costs under control while providing your family with the health coverage they need, a TRICARE Supplement might be just the solution you’re looking for. Use the TRICARE Plan Finder to learn more or read our free “Health Care Buyer’s Guide for Military Families.”

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Topics: TRICARE Supplement