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Did You Know TRICARE Covers These 10 Things?

by Heather Bancroft on October 22, 2020

You might not be getting everything you can out of TRICARE. The health care program for the United States military provides a long list of services for eligible uniformed services members, retirees and their families.

Male soldier holding his two children.

You don’t have to be sick or injured to use your plan, either. Even if you feel fine, a wide range of preventative services can help you stay in good shape. Here are 10 services that you might not realize are covered by TRICARE.

1. Medical Advice

Do you need medical advice, but it’s not an emergency and you’re not sure you need to go to the doctor’s office? TRICARE covers calls to the MHS Nurse Advice Line, a service that’s available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also use the web or video chat option.

2. Therapeutic Shoes

People with diabetes often experience foot problems that can, without proper care, lead to amputation. TRICARE covers therapeutic shoes for people with diabetes.

3. Tobacco Cessation Services

Are you trying to quit smoking? Smoking has detrimental effects on one’s health, but quitting is extremely difficult. Luckily, you don’t have to do it on your own. TRICARE covers counseling and tobacco cessation products.

4. Pediatric Lead Level Screening

Are you worried about your children being exposed to dangerous levels of lead? Lead poisoning can have very serious effects on a child’s health and development. TRICARE covers lead screening for eligible children who are considered to be at high risk.

5. CPAP Machine

Does sleep apnea prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep? This common sleep disorder is associated with snoring. More seriously, it disrupts breathing and can lead to fatigue. A CPAP machine might be the solution. Fortunately, TRICARE covers it.

6. Parent and Patient Educational Counseling

Having the right knowledge is essential to staying in good health. TRICARE beneficiaries can ask their care provider for information about nutrition, exercise, cancer surveillance and other important health issues.

7. Body Measurement

Wondering what your body mass index (BMI) is? This figure is based on your height and weight, and it’s used to determine whether you’re maintaining a healthy weight. You can get your BMI at your primary care visit.

8. Gastric Bypass

Losing weight is difficult, and even with diet and exercise, some people struggle. TRICARE covers Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, gastroplasty, adjustable gastric banding and other bariatric surgical procedures in some situations. In order to qualify, beneficiaries must meet certain requirements.

9. Autism Spectrum Disorder Services

Covered services for beneficiaries with Autism Spectrum Disorder include occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychological services and more. TRICARE also covers Applied Behavioral Analysis.

10. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

This treatment is sometimes used for adults with Major Depressive Disorder. The procedure uses a magnetic field to stimulate the brain. It’s typically used when other treatments have been ineffective.

This list is far from complete, and there may be restrictions on some services and equipment. In general, TRICARE covers care that is considered medically necessary and proven. Check your plan, and contact your provider for more information about specific services, prescriptions or medical equipment.

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Photo Credits: DoD. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

Topics: TRICARE, Covered by TRICARE, TRICARE Coverage