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Recognition Event Highlights Selman & Company Employee Contributions

by Darin Siley on September 21, 2017

What makes a great company? Is it the amount of revenue a business makes? Or, how about the ROI, that's important, too, right? We value these aspects of insurance administration, but these aren't the only elements that make a great company. A company is a place run and operated by professionals to make a business successful. We pride ourselves on our amazing employees and the contributions they make. Twice a year we highlight outstanding contributors with a special Half Year Award. This year's first half winner was Patrick Gacka, accounting manager. Even though he has only worked with us for a little under ten months, he has made a huge impact on our company. We spoke with Patrick to learn more about how he makes a difference for our clients.

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Q: What is the most difficult part of your job?

A: I would say the most difficult part of my job is also the most exciting.  This would be the prioritization of multiple projects and initiatives.  With the current growth of Selman & Company. there are always new challenges to take on.  Time management is key as well as the utilization of all resources at my disposal.  There is never a shortage of things to do.

Q: What project are you currently working on?

A: The biggest project I am working on now is the managing of the Corporate Cash room as well as the managing of the Keene Accounting Department.  Luckily the employees that I work with in both locations are intelligent and diligent enough to take away a lot of the pressure of this undertaking.

Q: What has been the most challenging project you have worked on?

A: The most challenging project I have worked on would have to be the new Vision part of the business (Keene).  There are many new things to learn as well as many new people to meet and work with.  With Keene, we have been introduced to many new systems and challenges.  However, I cannot stress enough how the many great employees there have made my education and training much easier.

Q: What do you like about working here at Selman & Company?

A: I think the tight-knit culture and openness would be the greatest positive of working here.  The culture, of course, starts with the people that work here.  Everyone is always willing to lend a helping hand and share the common goal of making this an enjoyable place to work as well as successful company.  I appreciate the opportunities and recognition that are given for a job well done.  Everyone is very approachable no matter what level they work at.  I always feel like I am working on something that benefits the company as well as myself from a growth perspective. 

Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?

A: My favorite thing to do is spend time with my family.  There are always fun things to go to, dance recitals, baseball games, concerts, and basketball games.  I also love to go to sporting events and am a huge Cleveland sports fan.  I also enjoy going to many concerts and love to travel.


Several other employees were recognized by their peers for their strong core values of respect, excellence, entrepreneurship, integrity, and accountability; Buffy Smith – Corporate Support Manager, Alyse Whiting – CSR, Tiera Patillar – CSR, Jessica Cullis – New Business Supervisor, Sandi Corrieri – MIS Project Manager, Holly Tackett – HR Coordinator.

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