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Spotlight on SelmanCo’s Products/Services

by Jessica Zeiser on February 13, 2024

SelmanCo stands out as a provider of valuable insurance products and services that cater to the unique needs of both employers and individuals. In an ever-evolving insurance landscape, SelmanCo's commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction shines through, making us a trusted choice for those seeking tailored solutions in the dynamic world of insurance and benefits.

TRICARE Supplement for Employers: A Win-Win Proposition

One of SelmanCo's standout offerings is the TRICARE Supplement for Employers, a voluntary benefit that addresses the needs of the nearly 10 million Americans covered under the government health insurance program known as TRICARE. By offering a TRICARE Supplement, employers not only provide a valuable benefit to their eligible retired military employees but also stand to realize cost savings by creating a robust alternative to their major medical health insurance program.

The TRICARE Supplement not only reduces exposure to the rising costs of healthcare for employees but also serves as a competitive advantage for employers. The turn-key marketing and easy administration make it a hassle-free addition to any benefits package, providing great value to employees while offering employers a cost-effective solution.

TRICARE Supplement: Comprehensive Coverage for Individuals

For individuals covered under TRICARE, SelmanCo's TRICARE Supplement plans offer substantial benefits. These plans wrap around existing TRICARE coverage, helping to cover costs that TRICARE may leave behind. This includes co-payments, cost shares, and applicable excess charges for inpatient and outpatient care, doctor visits, emergency room care, prescription costs, and more. The plan extends coverage to all three TRICARE plan options: Active Duty, Select, Prime, and Reserve Select.

The guaranteed acceptance qualifiers make it accessible to a broad audience, ensuring that individuals under the age of 65 who do not qualify for Medicare and have TRICARE as a primary can benefit from this supplement.

CHAMPVA Supplement: Protecting Families and Wallets

SelmanCo also offers a CHAMPVA Supplement for individuals, providing crucial support to the spouses and dependents of disabled or deceased veterans. This supplement insurance plan wraps around CHAMPVA coverage, offering reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses not covered by CHAMPVA.

CHAMPVA, or the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs, is a vital health benefits program for eligible beneficiaries. The CHAMPVA Supplement goes beyond basic coverage, offering 100% coinsurance, coverage of 100% out-of-pocket costs for covered services, and payment of 100% of doctors' visits, pharmacy, and hospital co-pays. With guaranteed acceptance and coverage at almost any hospital and doctor, it provides comprehensive protection for VA families.

Group Products: Tailored Solutions for Organizations

SelmanCo understands the diverse needs of groups such as associations, credit unions, banks, employers, and insurance companies which choose us to administer, broker, or market their insurance products. Through their Group Products, organizations can choose from a full menu or à la carte, selecting insurance solutions tailored to their specific requirements. SelmanCo's expertise in product development ensures discounted rates and enhanced levels of benefits, contributing to the success of insurance programs.

Insurance Administration: Streamlining Essential Functions

Recognizing that insurance plan administration can be complex and costly for organizations, SelmanCo provides comprehensive Insurance Administration services. From billing and claims to customer service, SelmanCo's expertise helps organizations attract and retain more members, achieve higher levels of participation, and deliver exceptional service to customers. By acting as an extension of an organization, SelmanCo streamlines processes, driving increased revenue and profitability.

Port and Conversion: Simplifying Insurance Options

SelmanCo's Port and Conversion services address the continuation options individuals face when losing or changing group coverage due to a qualifying event. By offering streamlined options, SelmanCo ensures that individuals can keep their insurance even after leaving a group, reducing the burden on organizations to resolve tricky situations.

Employer Supplemental Benefits: Outsourcing for Efficiency

For organizations looking to outsource supplemental benefits administration, SelmanCo's Employer Supplemental Benefits services offer a comprehensive solution. We specialize in supporting the entire supplemental benefits process. By outsourcing functions such as enrollment, commission allocation, and payroll deduction, SelmanCo allows organizations to focus on core competencies, delivering better savings, margins, and customer service.

In summary, SelmanCo's array of products and services goes beyond traditional insurance offerings. By addressing the unique needs of employers, individuals, and organizations, SelmanCo stands as a reliable partner in navigating the complex landscape of insurance and benefits. Our commitment to innovation and efficiency sets them apart, making them a valuable asset for anyone seeking to enhance their insurance portfolio or streamline administrative processes.

Topics: Selman & Company