{% set baseFontFamily = "Open Sans" %} /* Add the font family you wish to use. You may need to import it above. */

{% set headerFontFamily = "Open Sans" %} /* This affects only headers on the site. Add the font family you wish to use. You may need to import it above. */

{% set textColor = "#565656" %} /* This sets the universal color of dark text on the site */

{% set pageCenter = "1100px" %} /* This sets the width of the website */

{% set headerType = "fixed" %} /* To make this a fixed header, change the value to "fixed" - otherwise, set it to "static" */

{% set lightGreyColor = "#f7f7f7" %} /* This affects all grey background sections */

{% set baseFontWeight = "normal" %} /* More than likely, you will use one of these values (higher = bolder): 300, 400, 700, 900 */

{% set headerFontWeight = "normal" %} /* For Headers; More than likely, you will use one of these values (higher = bolder): 300, 400, 700, 900 */

{% set buttonRadius = '40px' %} /* "0" for square edges, "10px" for rounded edges, "40px" for pill shape; This will change all buttons */

After you have updated your stylesheet, make sure you turn this module off


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Security and Compliance Concerns When Outsourcing Non-Core Business

by Ann Louis on August 10, 2017

Our new video discusses some of the security and compliance concerns companies have when they decide to outsource their non-core business, and how SelmanCo can help ease those concerns.

Click to watch:


So, you have outsourced your non-core business, but your third-party administrator isn’t keeping up with appropriate data security protocols. It is a real problem for the TPA, so what do you do? Well, throwing money at the problem isn’t always a good solution, and it can quickly get expensive. Not to mention the fact that the liability exposure can become so terrifying that you can end up spending more time double checking the TPA’s work than completing your own.

It is tough to know whether a given insurance TPA has the advanced security and compliance capabilities an insurance company requires. And, today’s regulatory environment means added uncertainty, and the need for constant upgrades. If a TPA starts cutting corners to help their bottom line, too often, those cuts hit data security. No wonder people worry.

SelmanCo on the other hand, makes data security a priority, with continuing significant investments that align with our carriers’ needs. That’s how we function as a trusted partner of the insurance company. Regular, deep auditing of our data security is your assurance that SelmanCo will be ready to go, with all necessary controls in place.

At SelmanCo we take the privacy of our insureds and clients very seriously.  We have Information Security policies which include data security requirements for data storage, appropriate equipment use and incident response.  The physical server of our administrative system is located at a state of the art SunGard facility that will provide maximum protection for your customer information.  Multiple firewalls, routine network scanning and a full array of intrusion-detection sensors ensure security. Our intrusion detection is running at all times; constantly monitoring traffic to see if an intrusion event is being attempted. Employee access is controlled at role level based on privileges assigned and functions performed.  In addition, we maintain a Business Continuity Plan and receive an annual SSAE 16 SOC 1 Type II audit.

As an insurance carrier looking to outsource your non-core business, choosing SelmanCo as you partner can limit your liability exposure, allow you to focus on your core revenue generating activities, and provide a level of cost containment that will put your mind at ease.

Contact us to see how we can help you with your outsourcing needs today.

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Topics: Administration, Outsourcing